Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/03/2021 - Cabinet (Item 10)


To consider a confidential report by Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Lead Member for Education, Children’s Services and Public Engagement (copy enclosed) seeking Cabinet’s approval of the new Dynamic Purchasing System Framework.

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RESOLVED that Cabinet approve the new Dynamic Purchasing System Framework as detailed within the report.


A confidential report by Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts was submitted seeking Cabinet approval of the new Dynamic Purchasing System Framework.


The Head of Communities and Customers provided some background to the current design and procurement function.  Following a review it was generally accepted that, whilst the current framework was fit for purpose, it needed to have greater flexibility in terms of having more choice of providers, to ensure value for money, refreshed design concepts and more competitiveness.  Consequently a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) had been proposed with criteria including quality of services, providing value for money and problem solving across five procurement ‘lots’ in order to address gaps in the current framework and the needs of council services.  It was proposed that the new framework would be set up for a six year period.  As the DPS would be a collaboration with Flintshire County Council the contract spend was estimated at over £4m and required Cabinet approval.


Cabinet noted the merits of the proposed DPS in providing value for money through increased competition and choice available for council services.  In response to questions the Lead Member and Head of Service confirmed proactive work with schools to encourage use of the framework and share best practice; elaborated upon the potential to allow more local companies the opportunity to be involved within the framework and confirmed a weighting for local suppliers; provided assurances regarding quality control checks on the correct use of English and Welsh on materials produced, and explained the work of specialist suppliers in printing street signs and vehicle livery on specialist material.  Councillor Meirick Davies asked for a comparison of costs for products previously produced in-house and the Head of Service explained that the framework did not always deliver cheaper products with a quality weighting in some areas; one of the reasons for extending the number of ‘lots’ was to provide greater choice across the authority.


RESOLVED that Cabinet approve the new Dynamic Purchasing System Framework as detailed within the report.