Issue - meetings
Meeting: 04/09/2020 - Standards Committee (Item 6)
To note the attendance by members of the Standards Committee at County, Town and Community Council and to receive their reports.
Members discussed the difficulty in attending public meetings due to restrictions relating to Covid- 19 pandemic. It was:
members wished to attend a City/ Town/ Community meeting, to inform the Monitoring
Officer to assist in arranging the necessary arrangements.
It was noted that since the last meeting, due to
restrictions members had not been able to attend any meetings.
The Monitoring Officer (MO) confirmed that Welsh Government
had reviewed the regulations regarding remote meetings. The authority would
encourage City Town and Community Council to hold remote meetings going
forward. The MO stated the authority had been testing methods of holding remote
working work on alternative platforms. A briefing note had been circulated to
clerks to offer guidance. Guidance had also been provided by One Voice Wales.
The MO stated if members wished to attend any meetings to
inform him. He would then consult with the relevant clerk to make arrangements
to attend in person or remotely. Members were pleased to hear the potential to
attend meetings remotely would be available. It was highlighted that if
meetings could be held remotely it would potentially encourage more public
interest in City, Town and Community meetings.
The Chair thanked the MO for his support to City, Town and
Community Councils and encouraged members to contact the MO direct for support
in attending meetings.
RESOLVED that the above mentioned points be