Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 6)


To consider a report by Councillor Bobby Feeley, Lead Member for Social Care, Adult and Children’s Services (copy enclosed) seeking approval of the proposal for a collaborative agreement to deliver the Y Dyfodol supported housing project.

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RESOLVED that Cabinet approve the proposal, as outlined in the report, for a DCC Supporting People and Clwyd Alyn Housing Association Collaborative Agreement to deliver the Y Dyfodol supported housing project.


Councillor Bobby Feeley presented the report seeking approval of the proposal for a DCC Supporting People (SP) and Clwyd Alyn Housing Association (CAHA) collaborative agreement to deliver the Y Dyfodol supported housing project from October 2018.  Cabinet had previously approved a proposal to investigate further the option of developing a partnership agreement with CAHA in November 2016.


The SP funded Y Dyfodol project was delivered by CAHA and provided 35 units of supported housing for young people.  The current contract ended on 30 September 2018 following a number of contract extensions in order to remodel Y Dyfodol in collaboration with key stakeholders as part of the development of a broader Young People’s Pathway approach.  Councillor Feeley elaborated upon the reasoning behind the proposed partnership as opposed to a tender process, which included the fact that the project would support several statutory duties (including the Housing Act 2014 and Social Services and Wellbeing Act 2015) and result in minimal disruption of support.  The total three year contract value was £1,179,618 and the annual cost of £393,206 had already been budgeted for in the SP Grant from 2017/18 onwards.


The Lead Member and SP Officers responded to questions as follows –


·         confirmed that Rhyl members had been involved with the project but agreed to also submit the proposal to the Rhyl Member Area Group

·         advised that the project provided supported housing for young people aged between 16 – 24 and the units were oversubscribed but highlighted the move to improved interventions at an earlier stage in the new pathway for young people which would result in a reduced need for support accommodation units

·         explained the remodelled project focused on improved outcomes, particularly around education and employment, with an emphasis on equipping young people with the necessary skills for independence and providing floating support

·         elaborated upon the work carried out in securing tenancies in various markets from approved providers when young people moved on from supported housing units to ensure suitable sustainable accommodation and successful tenancies

·         elaborated upon the role of the different partners in the Young People’s Pathway approach and investment from other services going forward and benefits of a partnership approach

·         confirmed that SP worked to local connections guidance and priority was given to local people

·         in terms of general homelessness members were advised of the support available confirming that support was actively offered to those sleeping rough

·         provided assurances that there was little to be gained in terms of monetary value if the contract went out to tender but there could result in a loss of support provision; reference was also made to the safeguards and legislative processes in place with regard to the collaborative agreement approach

·         elaborated upon the community benefits offered by CAHA relating to employment skills as referenced within the Wellbeing Impact Assessment.


RESOLVED that Cabinet approve the proposal, as outlined in the report, for a DCC Supporting People and Clwyd Alyn Housing Association Collaborative Agreement to deliver the Y Dyfodol supported housing project.