Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/06/2015 - Cabinet (Item 7)


To consider a joint report by Councillors David Smith, Lead Member for Public Realm and Hugh Irving, Lead Member for Customers and Libraries (copy enclosed) seeking endorsement of the conclusions and recommendations from the Affordable Housing Task and Finish Group.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that Cabinet endorses the conclusions and recommendations agreed by the Affordable Housing Task and Finish Group (attached as Appendix 1 to the report) to be taken forward through the Housing Strategy and accompanying Delivery Plan.


Councillor David Smith presented the report seeking endorsement of the conclusions and recommendations from the Affordable Housing Task and Finish Group.  The Group had been set up to review the Council’s approach to delivering affordable housing and its recommendations would inform the Housing Strategy and be reflected in Council’s strategies, plans and guidance as appropriate.


During consideration of the report the following matters were discussed –


·         assurances were provided that further detail and timescales in which to progress the recommendations would be taken forward through the Housing Strategy

·         there was some frustration that due to national legislation it would not be possible to progress some recommendations as soon as members would like

·         much debate focused on the problem of ‘land banking’ where developers and landowners failed to proceed with development following planning permission and were waiting for land values to increase.  The Council had some control over the timescale for developments to commence but could take no action in cases where development had commenced in line with planning permissions but not progressed – this aspect was governed by national legislation.  It was agreed that Welsh Government be provided with evidence of the problem within Denbighshire and lobbied to change legislation to require completion of development within a defined time period.  Officers agreed to progress the issue outside of the meeting and raised the possibility of a joint approach with other local authorities and putting forward alternative suggestions for consideration

·         an explanation was provided in terms of member involvement on the Housing Strategy Group with those Cabinet members having elements of housing in their portfolios being involved at an early stage to provide a member perspective before the strategy was submitted through formal channels – Communities Scrutiny Committee in September and full Council in October

·         Councillor Joan Butterfield referred to homelessness issues and difficulties  finding suitable accommodation, advising of an existing case in order to illustrate the point, and the need to address the issue as a matter of urgency – officers confirmed that homelessness had been identified as a priority within the Housing Strategy and members would have the opportunity to scrutinise the strategy at Communities Scrutiny Committee in September.  With regard to the existing case referred to, it was agreed that the matter be looked into further by officers outside of the meeting

·         concerns were raised regarding the Council’s eyesore sites and the need for a more vigorous approach to be undertaken to address them.


Cabinet paid tribute to the work undertaken by the Group and its supporting officers in producing clear recommendations to deliver benefits in matters relating to affordable housing and noted some recommendations were already being actioned.  Councillor David Smith reported upon the dynamic approach undertaken, most notably the Supplementary Planning Guidance approved by Planning Committee which permitted the conversion of redundant rural buildings for market housing.


RESOLVED that Cabinet endorses the conclusions and recommendations agreed by the Affordable Housing Task and Finish Group (attached as Appendix 1 to the report) to be taken forward through the Housing Strategy and accompanying Delivery Plan.