Issue - meetings
Meeting: 24/03/2015 - Cabinet (Item 12)
To consider a report by Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance and Assets (copy enclosed) detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy.
Additional documents:
- FINANCE REPORT - APP1, item 12 PDF 24 KB
- FINANCE REPORT - APP2, item 12 PDF 37 KB
- FINANCE REPORT - APP4, item 12 PDF 292 KB
RESOLVED that Cabinet notes the budgets set for 2014/15 and progress against the agreed budget strategy.
Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill presented the
report detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed
budget strategy. He provided a summary
of the Council’s financial position as follows –
a net
under spend on the revenue budget of £705k was forecast for service and
corporate budgets
savings of
£7.1m were agreed as part of the budget and at this stage 96% had been achieved
– there was cash contingency to cover any savings not fully achieved within the
financial year (around £100k may be required this year)
other key variances from budgets or savings targets relating to individual
service areas, and
a general
update on the Housing Revenue Account, Housing Capital Plan and the Capital
Plan (including the Corporate Plan element).
During debate the following issues were raised
David Smith highlighted the overspends in Highways and Environmental Services
advising that school transport was outside their control and that the car
parking review had been completed and was being submitted to the Member Area
Groups for consideration. He also
reiterated his previous concerns that significantly less was being spent on
highway maintenance leaving a shortfall of approximately £800k to maintain the
quality of the county’s roads and achieve the Corporate Plan outcome for
highways. Consequently he asked that
highways be given priority when considering underspends at the end of the
financial year. It was suggested that a
schedule of highway works be drawn up to identify the works required in order
to deliver the Corporate Plan. The Chief
Executive reminded members that Council had agreed that priority be given to
delivering the Corporate Plan and the operating assumption was that when
funding became available it would be allocated for this purpose and ensure
highway improvements were maintained
it was
noted that the initial outturn report would be available in April with the
final figures available mid-June and the Corporate Plan would be reviewed in
light of those figures. A debate on the
future of service underspends would also need to take place at the end of the
financial year taking into account the Council’s priorities which could be
included as part of Cabinet’s regular finance report
Huw Jones highlighted the lack of Welsh speaking social workers in Community
and Support Services and Councillor Eryl Williams reported upon the same
problem in education and teaching which he believed was a general problem
across Wales which needed to be addressed
an explanation
of the historical procedural irregularities in the procurement process for the
pedestrian and cycle bridge for the Rhyl Harbour development was provided which
had resulted in a claw back of grant funding – assurances were given that
robust procedures were now in place to prevent reoccurrence. Delivery of the £10.5m project in budget was
RESOLVED that Cabinet
notes the budgets set for 2014/15 and progress against the agreed budget