Decision details

Decision details


Decision Maker: Lead Member for Housing and Communities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


The decision is about making a Public Space Protection Oder (PSPO) for Rhyl Town Centre for the duration of three years. The effect of the PSPO will be to prevent and deal with individuals and groups of people consuming alcohol and/or causing anti-social behaviour in the Town Centre.  



To approve the Public Space Protection Oder (PSPO) for Rhyl Town Centre for the duration of three years as the draft order attached (Appendix 1).

Reasons for the decision:

A PSPO bans certain activities or behaviours which may be considered antisocial from taking place within a geographical area. The order itself is made by the Local County Council, and it is enforced by the local Police Authority.

Rhyl Town Centre has higher levels of anti-social behaviour than other areas of Rhyl.  This anti-social behaviour is unfair and harmful to residents, businesses, and visitors to the High Street Area.  Rhyl Town Centre has previously had two PSPOs for anti-social behaviour in place, the first PSPO was introduced in 2016.  Since 2016, Denbighshire County Council has worked hard with North Wales Police (NWP) and other partners to ensure there is a range of measures in place alongside the PSPO to support people and discourage them from committing anti-social behaviour.

The consequence of this PSPO will be that North Wales Police (NWP) will have additional powers to deal with issues with respect of anti-social behaviour and street drinking for three years, up until 2027.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:

No interest to declare.


Publication date: 28/02/2024

Date of decision: 28/02/2024

Accompanying Documents: