Decision details
Decision Maker: Partnerships Scrutiny Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
The Scrutiny Coordinator submitted a report
(previously circulated) seeking members’ review of the Committee’s work
programme and provided an update on relevant issues.
Confirmation was still awaited from the Health
Board on when its representatives would be in a position to attend a meeting to
discuss its plans for services in Denbighshire.
The Health Board was awaiting further information from the Welsh Government
in relation to the North Denbighshire Community Hospital project.
September 2021 meeting - the Community Safety Partnership’s Annual Report would
be available for scrutiny. In addition,
Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council (DVSC) had a newly appointed Chief
Executive who had indicated that he would welcome the opportunity to discuss
with the Committee his vision and plans for DVSC along with any future working
opportunities with the Council.
Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs Group (SCVCG) had indicated that it wished the
Committee to discuss National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) and their potential
impact on the viability of town centre retail.
Further information was currently being sourced in relation to this
topic before it would be scheduled into the Committee’s forward work programme.
The Committee:
Resolved: - subject to the above comments and inclusions to
confirm the Committee’s forward work programme.
Publication date: 08/07/2021
Date of decision: 08/07/2021
Decided at meeting: 08/07/2021 - Partnerships Scrutiny Committee
Accompanying Documents: