Decision details

Decision details


Decision Maker: Lead Member for Environment and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


An updated Waste Collections Policy has been produced by the Waste service. The policy has been updated for the current service to clarify aspects of the service offer, additionally it has been updated to reflect the new service model which is yet to be implemented. The Policy is split into the current and new service.

The key changes to current policy are strengthening responsibilities / clarity of the policy and major service changes, these are as follows:

a)    Section 1a&b detail the new non-recyclable and recycling collection service frequency of collection and container type used. Section 2 relates to alternative collections for unsuitable standard service provision. Section 3 relates to communal bulk bins.

b)    Section 4 clarifies that it is a legal requirement in Wales to recycle food waste (with effect from October 2023). Section 5 relates to WEEE & battery collection services.

c)     Section 7 presentation and Section 8 private unadopted roads are reinforced in terms of what is acceptable and the formal notification of collection points for properties with restricted access.

d)    Section 18 clarifies Non-Infectious Hygiene Waste service from 2024.

e)    Section 22 outlines bulky collection service changes.



To approve the updated Waste Collections Policy to enable the policy to be applied.


Reasons for the decision:

The decision is to approve the updated Waste Collections Policy for the current service and to agree the new policy from the point of the new service implementation in 2024

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:

No interest to declare

Publication date: 19/09/2023

Date of decision: 19/09/2023

Accompanying Documents: