Decision details

Decision details


Decision Maker: Lead Member for Local Development and Planning

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


We want to commission a new early intervention project. This project will work to prevent homelessness from much earlier on, through identifying and engaging with people to prevent risk of homelessness, and through a programme of awareness raising. The project will be funded by the Denbighshire Housing Support Grant.


The decision is about whether we can commence with the procurement of this project (via an open tender process). 



To agree to the commissioning of the Early Intervention Project (homelessness prevention).

Reasons for the decision:

Early intervention must be a cornerstone of our approach to preventing homelessness. As captured in our Housing Support Grant Delivery Plan 2021/22, we want to develop our support offer around early intervention to prevent homelessness, so that we can identify and engage with people much earlier on to prevent any risk factors/problems from escalating. This focused early intervention project will be a key part of this work. We want this project to offer a robust early intervention model, which is assertive and proactive.


This will be a new service, and we will need to put the contract out to tender to identify the best provider/providers, based on quality and value for money.


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 26/08/2021

Date of decision: 26/08/2021

Accompanying Documents: