Decision details

Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination


Councillor H.H. Evans presented the Cabinet Forward Work Programme.   


Members agreed that the following amendments to the Forward Work Programme with regard to future scheduled business items:-


-               A report on Emergency Planning be included for consideration at the meeting on the 19th March, 2013.


-               The report on the Adoption of the LDP Steering Group be deferred from the meeting on the 19th March, 2013.


-               Town and Area Plans report be rescheduled from the 14th May, 2013 to the 16th April, 2013.


-               The numbering of the agenda items for the meeting in June, 2013 be amended.


RESOLVED – that, subject to the above, Cabinet receive the Forward Work Programme.


Publication date: 20/02/2013

Date of decision: 19/02/2013

Decided at meeting: 19/02/2013 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: