Decision details
Decision Maker: Partnerships Scrutiny Committee
Decision status: For Determination
The Scrutiny Co-ordinator introduced the
report and appendices
(previously circulated) seeking Members’ review of the Committee’s work
programme and which provided an update on relevant issues.
next Partnerships Scrutiny Committee meeting was due to be held on the 6 July
2023. There were 3 substantial items listed for the next Partnerships Scrutiny
Committee on the 6 July 2023:
Wales Economic Ambition Board Annual Report
Adult Safeguarding Annual Report
Re-ballot for potential Rhyl Business
Improvement District (BID) 2nd term (deferred with the Chair’s permission from the current meeting’s
business agenda)
At the April meeting of the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group it was
requested that a report on the Setting of Affordable Rent Levels be brought to the Partnerships
Scrutiny Committee. It was also requested that a representative from the
Private Landlord Sector be invited to the meeting. The Scrutiny Co-ordinator
had spoken with the Strategic Planning and Housing Manager, and they were
hopeful to present a report at Committee’s October meeting.
Members were reminded of the Service
Challenge Groups (information
previously circulated) and due to the restructure of Services there were 3 more
groups that required representatives from the Committee these were: -
and Communities
Support Service: Performance, digital and Assets
Support Service: People
Martyn Hogg nominated himself for the representative role on the Corporate
Support Service: Performance, Digital and Assets Group and Members were in favour.
No other expressions of interest were
received for Housing and Communities and Corporate Support Service: People
Service Challenge Groups and it
was agreed that representatives for these Groups would be sought at the
Committee’s next meeting.
At the conclusion of the discussion the Committee:
(i) subject to the amendments and potential inclusions outlined above and during the course of the meeting, to confirm the Committee’s Forward Work programme as set out in Appendix 1; and
(ii) to appoint Councillor Martyn Hogg as the Committee’s representative on the Corporate Support Service: Performance, Digital and Assets Service Challenge Group, and that expressions of interest in serving as the Committee’s representatives on the Housing & Communities and the Corporate Support Service: People Service Challenge Groups to be sought at the Committee’s next meeting.
Publication date: 18/05/2023
Date of decision: 18/05/2023
Decided at meeting: 18/05/2023 - Partnerships Scrutiny Committee
Accompanying Documents: